Geezum, this week has been nuts!!! Monday after we emailed last week we went and got haircuts! When I go to get haircuts usually I think they cut your hair on your head!!! Not this guy, ha he started going at my eyebrows and between my eyes and stuff. I was like "what the freak?" so that was different. He also tried to give me a line up, thankfully my companion saw what he was doing!! Haha! We also played cricket with the other elders! That is so much fun!! Then went to the cook shop! Our favorite it's cheap yet delicious, it's called the Fireplace Gazebo! That night we picked coconuts from behind our house with the other Elders and pulled out the machete and had us some drinks!! Ha, fun night on the roof! Tuesday our appointments fell through and God knows how to really make things work out. We went and saw Maxine and her family. Her and Junior had a fight the night before and we talked a lot about family unity and forgiveness. Their relationship isn't that great and it's really sad to see! But on the other hand, as we help them it's awesome to watch that relationship and family unity grow between brothers and mothers!! Really had to rely on the spirit to know what to say to them and that was a good experience!! That experience really clicked it for me that this isn't my mission, people need help here and I better by dang have the spirit with me so I can do all I can to help!! Today it Rained like MAD!! But we made a goal we would go to all our appointments no matter what! And with the mud half way up our tires and all over us and our bags, we went and found less actives, some referrals, and had a lot of spiritual, powerful lessons even though we were cold (for the first time!) and super dirty!! Thursday we didn't get a whole lot done, we moved our super planning to Thursday from Friday cuz the area seventy were coming and afterwards we helped Stacey move cuz they got kicked out of their rental house! We went to Irie Jerk for dinner and as group we played games and really built a Spanishtown Elder unity!! Friday is the day Elder Cornish and Elder Gamiet came and taught us!! It was such a powerful lesson! We learned 'bout following Holy Ghost promptings and also the new ways the lord will be hastening His work!! Some key points they brought up is we will not invite people to church... we accompany them to church!! Also we aren't going door to door anymore... it's not effective! We have been trying to get referrals from members! Wrong again... "members don't have friends, they have meetings! Less actives have no meetings cuz they have friends!" It is so true, as we went out and applied the teachings on Saturday it rang true. We found 3 less actives and working with their families now giving us a HUGE teaching pool with like 12 new investigators!! Transfer calls were Saturday and Elder Hamilton is off to the Bahamas and I am getting "mothered" by Elder Strickland a funny white boy! I'm excited but gonna miss Elder Hamilton. He will do great white washing out in Bahamas though!! Sunday was ridicoulous! The whole branch is going to miss Elder Hamilton, we really have grown to be a huge family!! President Lue's wife was exactly right though, anywhere you go if it's The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you are going to find and feel that family love!! But with that love comes food! We had to turn down people wanting to make us food!! But the ones that already made food we ate.. and we ate.. and we ate 3 GIANT plates of heaping rice and peas and curry chicken back, Elder Hamilton's favorite! Lots of photo taking and journal signing! That's a lot of what consist in our schedule today as well. I'm thankful for my time I was able to serve with him and all the many things I could learn and my testimony to be strengthened!! That's kinda my week in a wrap! Favorite scripture this week has all members and missionaries names on it! (3 Nephi 5:13! ) and for the bible found a scripture passage reminding me of all the great women I have in my life!! (Proverbs 31:10-31) Love you all, have a Glorious week!!! And if anyone sees Chatlen! two knockings on the head each week he doesn't email me! Thanks!! :)
Maxine and Junior
Sis. Booth's family
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